Patricia Willems


Dr. Patricia Willems is an Associate Professor of Educational Psychology in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction in Florida Atlantic University’s College of Education (COE). Since joining the University in 2000, she teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in educational psychology. Dr. Willems co-authored a book, Theories in Educational Psychology: Concise Guide to Meaning and Practice, published in 2013, with Dr. Alyssa Gonzalez-DeHass, who is a DTL faculty member. In 2012, they both coauthored an article, “School Community Partnerships: Using Authentic Contexts to Academically Motivate Students,” published in the School Community Journal.

Presently, Dr. Willems is a Reviewer of Manuscripts for an internationally refereed journal, School Community Journal since 2010. During 2011, Dr. Willems served as a DTL representative on the COE Graduate Programs Committee and COE Graduate Programs Curriculum Sub-committee, as a Proposal Reviewer for Graduate and Undergraduate Annual Symposium on the Davie Campus, and as an University Library Liaison. In 2010, she was the Proposal Reviewer for Florida Educational Research Association. Dr. Willems’ research interests include situated cognition and the case study method of instruction.


  • Ph.D. University of Florida, Educational Psychology (2000)
  • M.Ed. University of Florida, Educational Psychology (1997)
  • B. A. University of Florida, Sociology (1995)

Patricia Willems

Patricia Willems

Associate Professor
Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Office Location: ES BC52 - 207
Campus: Davie